woensdag 1 april 2015

The home stretch!

In less than a month, my first year as a TRMP student at COTR will be over. Although it is hard to believe when everyone else tells me, time does fly when you’re having fun. I can’t deny that there were moments where I was completely stressed out and doubted my decision, but I can’t be any happier than I am now!

True beauties! <3
Canada is, and probably will be for a couple of years, my chosen home and I love every minute I get to spend here. The weather sometimes gets a little out of control, the French fries aren’t really that good, and I miss my Bicky burger without pickles, but I wouldn’t want to change a thing. I’ve met so many beautiful people who will hopefully stay in my life for a while and I fell in love with myself. Although I know that this might sound a little weird, the peace and tranquility of mind I found here during the past 6 months are priceless. I’ve learned to be happy with who I am and what I have, instead of always wanting more. It is not about trying to aim for the maximum, but it is all about living in the moment and getting the most out of it.

For the next 3 weeks, I will most likely be extremely busy with writing essays, wrapping up big project, presenting some assignments to my fellow classmates, and of course writing finals. And after that, it is time to relax, party, and say goodbye to some friends. I will also help out with orientation for new international students who are arriving at the end of this month, and will complete my 140 hours internship with A&W.

Although I am not homesick at all, I decided to run around in my (not so fashionable) ‘I Love Antwerpen The Most’ sweater today as I am still proud of where I come from. Antwerpen might not be the city I will spend my whole life, but the city and its residents taught me a couple of very valuable life lessons. And not to forget, people in Antwerp know how to party! :D

For everyone who doesn’t know it yet, I’ll arrive at Brussels Airport on Friday morning, June 26, which is the equivalent of 84 more days in Canada. I’ll be more than happy to spend time with each and every one of you once I’m back from my holiday in Portugal, so just shoot me a text if you want to catch up after spending 300 days without Julie, Julia, Joewlz, or whatever you like to call me :-)

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