dinsdag 25 februari 2014

Yo – Holla – A yo – Yello!

After spending about 5 months in Canada, I think I can say that my English is getting better and better. There are, of course, words and expressions I don’t know yet, but I have really patient colleagues who are willing to explain me things I don’t understand right away. Recent new vocabulary includes the words: kudos, a gong show, a gomer, a rail … and many many other words. I now even know that you can use ‘Straya’ to refer to Australia (Thanks Patrick! But I still prefer to say that I’m from Belgium and not from ‘Belgio’ or whatever you made up :-) )

Heliskiing Part III
Tuesday February 11th was another day in the chopper for me! Yieha – Hello Heligrin!
Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind… After pushing my body through the 25 centimeter of fresh snow for about 2 runs, I could definitely feel that I wasn’t ready for it. But as you all know me – I never give up, because giving up is for wimps (dixit my box trainer). At the bottom of the 2nd run, I hit a rock which was covered in a beautiful thick layer of new snow. My right leg got stuck in a pile of snow, with all its consequences. I immediately started swearing and freaking out, because I could tell that something was wrong with my bad knee. After taking a couple of minutes for myself, I managed to ski down towards the chopper. But that was the end for me. 
The verdict: I have a little tear in my MCL, but my knee is still stable. I just have to stay off my skis for 2 weeks and I had to promise my parents to wear a brace when going skiing :-)

Ray showing how it's done!
Mother Nature has been spoiling us with fresh snow since mid February, which makes it even more difficult to stay at home. But I just have to understand that my knee is not as strong as it was before surgery and that maybe heliskiing is these conditions is not yet made for me. Another reason to go to the gym and train like a beast :-) One day I’ll be ready to shred the waist deep powder snow! 

Casa Blanca 2013
Apart from that, I think it’s pretty to safe to say that things have changed in my personal life as well. You all know that I had an awesome summer filled with parties, trips, dinner parties and lazy hung over Sundays. So I assume that everyone is still waiting for a bunch of compromising pictures from me dancing on the table having a beer :-) I’m sorry to let you down guys, but I haven’t even been close to a situation like that. 
To other people it probably looks like I’m a super boring human creature, but I’m actually having the time of my life here! I don’t need to party until the sun comes up to know that I’m enjoying myself. I guess I just needed some time to deal with everything that has happened to me before. Travelling by yourself automatically means that you have time to spend by yourself. And I love it! I’m never ever bored and I feel that I’ve dealt with my thoughts and emotions. Time for some peace of mind :-)

I’m pretty sure that the upcoming summer will, again, be filled with parties. You all know that I love music and I love to dance, so I’m pretty excited to create some beautiful memories with everyone I love! And I’m of course looking forward to yummie Belgian beer and greasy French fries :-)

Bollekesfeesten 2013

zaterdag 1 februari 2014

Ups and Downs..

I have to admit that life has taken me through an emotional rollercoaster the past 2 weeks.. Both ways to be honest.. From feeling okay to going absolutely out of mind from happiness, but also to being so sad that the only thing I wanted to do was cry.  So no, life over here is absolutely no different than in Belgium! :-) The only thing that gets me through everything and just keeps me going, is that I’m able to smile through everything!

Little bastard!
A couple of weeks ago I unfortunately lost a piece of my tooth while chewing on something. I’m really reluctant when it comes to going to the dentist, for the simple reason that it’s always bad news.  But on January 9th there wasn’t any other option left than to drag my ass up to the dentists’ office. A few minutes later I had to make a choice…. Getting my tooth pulled or getting a root canal done. Since dental care is extremely expensive in Canada and I didn’t want to spend more than $1100 on a tooth, I quickly made up my mind.

Little bastard!
I first had to battle the infection on the tooth, which led to a dozen of sleepless nights in Panorama. But it’s all good now :-) It only took about 2 minutes to get rid of tooth n°37, $100, one painkiller and a lot of ice on my face to overcome the ache. One happy, smiling Julie again! :-) 


Happy Helisking-Bunny
Last Wednesday,January 29th, I went heliskiing again. I know, I know. The expression ‘little spoiled brat’ is probably the first that comes to mind when you read this. And I totally get it, I would be the same :-) But yeah – I had the day off, there was an empty seat in the helicopter…So, let’s GO GO GO! The conditions weren’t that good to be honest, since we haven’t had some snow for a long time. But who am I to complain about it if I get to go out for free? :-) That’s right, just shut up and ski! After 5 Runs my legs were just jell-o, especially since I had to charge really hard on my knee with the windblown crust on every upper half of the run.

Unfortunately, the joy was of short duration.. Since our ‘Moeke Lint’ passed away on that same day. While I was having fun playing around in Rk’s backcountry, she lost her battle against Alzheimer’s. It feels weird to be here without your family if you have to deal with something like that, but I’ve got my Rk Heliski family that’s very supportive! Thank you all, I love you guys so so much! I have to say that I’m doing pretty okay, since I kind of said goodbye to her before I came here. Alzheimer’s is a pretty nasty disease…Her body was still there, but her soul was just gone. Enjoy the rest Moeke, you’ve deserved it!