maandag 21 april 2014

The end is not near, it's here...

The time has come…The ’13-’14 winter season in Panorama is completely over. I think it’s pretty safe to say that each and everyone here has spend every free moment on the hill during the past 135 days. The perks of a life as a Ski Bum! :-)


I planned to spend 100 days on the hill, but, unfortunately, I quickly had to realize that the physical condition of my bum knee fell short of expectations. Of course I’m able to go skiing, to go running on the treadmill or to work out on the stationary bike, but that doesn’t mean that I gained the muscles I’ve lost at time of surgery. I still have to work really hard on developing extra muscular strength in my right leg. But as the proverb says: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

After injuring my MCL while heliskiing, I took the wise and adult decision of purchasing a special designed knee brace. I know there are probably a gazillion people with bum knees skiing without any aid, but I’ve had my fair share of injuries. The only thing I still have to realize is that I can’t act like a hero once I’m wearing my brace, but that there is a reason why I’m wearing it. I’m still working on that, though :-)

My new skiing buddy!
In spite of all the medical issues I’ve been through this winter season, I’ve still enjoyed every second of it. At this point, I don’t know if I should smile because of all the memories or cry because it’s all over again. Time definitely flies when you’re having fun. So now I guess the time has come for me to sit down and think about the future…

Although I grew up in a super small, cozy and common village in Belgium...I’m not so sure any more that I want to have a future over there. It’s just that I have the feeling that I’m never genuinely happy in Belgium. I do smile and pretend to be happy, but to be honest I just can’t stand the mentality, the egoism and the need to posses more and more. This doesn’t mean at all that I don’t appreciate life, because I have some of the most amazing friends and of course a loving family.

Maybe this is my moment of experiencing how it feels to ‘stand at the crossroads of life’. Either I go for the obvious life in Belgium or I take a risk and continue building my life/future over here in Canada. But this all has to sink in first… I’ll tell you all what I’ve come up with once I reached a decision which makes sense :-)

To conclude this blog post, I would like to thank each and everyone from the rk heliski family! You guys are truly amazing and made me feel very welcome. We shared some laughs, cries, peaks but also lows, tequila shots, stress, funny stories, jokes, new vocabulary and many more things. I’ll forever cherish every moment in my little Belgian heart!