woensdag 24 juni 2015

The end is nigh

After spending 300 days, which can also be converted to 42 weeks and 5 days, or 7176 hours, or 430,560 minutes or 35,833,600 seconds, in Canada my time to leave my room at the Purcell Residence has come. Although I will be back at the end of August to complete my second year of the Tourism and Recreation Management Program at the College, it still feels like I have to say goodbye to people who’ve become part of my life.

I know that everyone assumes that I’m pretty good at saying goodbye since I’ve gained some experience during the past 3 years, but I have to admit that I die a little every time I hug someone when saying goodbye. I do admit that I look like a tough girl who is afraid to show emotions, but that is mostly just because I am someone who isn’t that good when it comes to dealing with emotions and feelings. So please bear with me while I learn how to express myself!

During my adventures here in Canada I’ve met countless people who’ve showed me that you don’t have to be born in the same family or even within the same country to form a bond. You don’t even need to be fluent in the same language to understand how and why people can love each other, because sometimes words just aren’t necessary. I’ve been blessed to meet people from all over the world who slowly became part of my own little family, and although I might not say it a lot…I love you all, and each and every one of you is welcome in Belgium!

While I’m dealing with my emotions with regards to packing everything in my room and saying goodbye to my friends at school and my colleagues at A&W, I also have to deal with going back to a country and place I used to call home. At this moment, I have to admit that I have no clue where home is for me. I am born and raised in Belgium, but my heart is definitely becoming more Canadian. Although I still have no full understanding of the rules of hockey, I still think that rootbeer and putting a float in your drink is gross, I don’t get why Canadians put cheese and gravy on their fries,…I do like living here!

I can’t deny that being here has changed me and my vision on the world. I’ve learned to hug people as a way of showing them that you care, I’ve also learned that the beauty of nature can leave me speechless and that I enjoy being outdoors, but most of all I’ve learned that the world is a beautiful place that I desperately need to discover. I am convinced of the fact that I was put on earth to travel the world and fill my heart with an eternal love for meeting people and listening to their stories.

I am grateful that I have a family who supports me in everything I do and I hope from the bottom of my heart that they are proud of me!

See you soon Canada.
P.S. I Love You!